「九つの星」第2刷 英訳版冊子付き

「九つの星」第2刷 英訳版冊子付き
author : Ayako Ishiguro
English translation booklet
英語対訳『The Nine Stars』冊子とセット販売です。

0:The children’s departure for the stars
1: The Yellow Star. Meeting with their friends.
2: The Transparent Star. A big hairy monster
3: The Golden Star. A boy of thorns
4: The Green Star. A girl who lives in the tortoise house
5: The Blue Star. The master of the deep sea
6: The Orange Star. A tribe of grasslands
7: The Lime Green Star. The cave with bats.
8: The Black Star. The nest of a bird monster.
9: The Red Star. The lab of the Insect Doctor
10: Nine Stars. Going home.
11: The children’s return to their mother.

英語訳:Asako Kawashima
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